First of all, my family always knew I had a devine calling (purpose) in life.  As a baby, I got very sick. My mother found me in my crib and found me unresponsive.  I had stopped breathing because of being sick and having pneumonia.  I was rushed to the hospital, but it took some time to get there because of the snow in Colorado.  I went a very long time without air and was given an emergency tracheotomy.  I should have passed away, but God, in His Mercy, had other plans for my life!

I  grew up in a Baptist church as a child.  I went to church at a very early age.  I got saved at 7 years old.  I remember being so deeply touched by God at that time.  It was amazing!  I felt so much peace and love.   When I stood up from kneeling down, I just wanted to give everything I owned away and just love on everyone.  

I was water baptized shortly after that in my church (Glen Haven Baptist Church) in Decatur, Georgia.

I went to all the Bible retreats (Bill Rice Ranch and many others ) and was part of Awana's and VBS schools.

I was forced to go to church as a child.  I did not have a great childhood.  

My mom passed away from cancer when I was 12, which left me with some serious, deep wounds.  I, unfortunately, remember a couple of things about my mother because I blocked everything else out to avoid the pain.  I remember her always praying and asking God to keep her around long enough to see her children grow up and become fruitful in life.  I also remember her going through chemo and not recoginzing me anymore.  That hurt deeply.  My worst memory was seeing her in the hospital gasping so hard for air and having difficulty breathing.  That was traumatizing for me, and still recall that memory.

While growing up, my father was very abusive toward me, both mentally and physically.  The beatings started early as a young child.  I remember being in kindergarden and having to wear long sleeves because I was beaten by my father so bad and had to cover up.  You see, when my father got angry, he would hit you wherever he could and with whatever he got his hands on.  I was instructed to tell people that the marks on my face and arms were a result of being scratched by my cats.  As a young man, my father would chase me around the house punching me in the face close fisted, and begging me to be a man and hit him back.  He told me that he wanted me to hit him back so that would give him the excuse needed to put me in the hospital because then, he could claim to the police that It was all in self defense. The beatings continued very badly until I was able to move out.  I never confided in anyone because I was told that "If" I told anyone what was happening to me, my father would be arrested and put in jail for a long time.  I did not want him to be put in jail and ruin his life because I loved him.  I also worried he would literally kill me when he got out.  I have horrible stories upon stories of beatings that hurt me and haunted me for many years.  Through all of that, God blessed me with His Love and Grace, which allowed me to love my father and others very deeply.  I never held anything against my father, and never hit him back, nor wished him ill at all, ever.  I wanted the best for him, and loved him very much.  He passed away in 2017.

When I moved out, I went crazy in life.  I was restricted very much as a child and when I was free, I rebelled.  I began allowing sin into my life and the more I tollerated it, the deeper I was sinking into it.   

I started working out at the very young age of 10.  I wanted to get stronger and bigger in hopes that that would deter my father from hitting me.  Working out became an obsession and an escape for me.  I did not like who I was and felt very unlovable.  I was walking down a dark path and believed the lies of the enemy. 

I started taking steroids at the age of 18.  I began competing in bodybuilding at 19 and then started selling steroids.  It started on a small scale but ended up becoming a big operation.  I sold steroids all over the United States to many people, police officers, businesses, rejuvenation clinics etc.  I used people in Mexico as mules (people who bring drugs across for other people) to bring over massive amounts of steroids to be sold.   It turned into a very big business which then led to deeper drugs.  I knew I shouldn't be doing it at the time but I did.

I got set up in a big steroid bust because I had stepped outside my ring of trusted people.  While in jail, and I was all over the news and in the newpaper for a week straight.  My father came through and bailed me out, and used the house to set up bond.

I served my time in jail with rumors that I may never get out.

I continued to make bad decisions in life.  I worked as a bouncer in different strip clubs and began to strip at a womens club.  I got mixed up in drugs and alcohol.  I still knew deep down that what I was doing we not right and that I was greiving God.  I also felt very empty.  I had many material possessions, yet they only gave me temporary enjoyment, and left me feeling empty again.

I met my wife Suzy in 2012.  She had a very close relationship with God and that was what I was needing in my life.  I knew I needed to change my life.  We got married in December 2012 and I started going to church again.  I stopped going when I was 19.   I began attending a non-demoniational church which was different for me.  Unfortunately, growing up in this certain baptist church, the messages were mainly about Heaven and Hell.  There was a lot of judgement and little mention of the love, grace, and mercy that God has for us.  God and the Holy Spirit were "kept in a box" and was taught that the power of the Holy Spirit was restricted to the disciples.  I received false teaching and was deceived for many years. 

The same power that was available to the disciples is available to us today.

Jesus states plainly He will send Us the Holy Spirit (the Helper).

John 16:7  NKJV

Nevertheless I tell you the truth, It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. 

Jesus also states that WE can do what He did and more through the power of the Holy Spirit!

John 14: 12-14  NKJV

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my Father.  And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that they Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask anything in My name, I will do it".

One day, in October 2019 during the church service while everyone was worshiping and singing praises to God,  God manifested himself and the Holy Spirit set upon the congregation.  Two miracles were performed.  

After the 3rd song, the presence of the Holy Spirit was so strong.  A lady in the middle of the congregation raised her hand and stated out loud to the pastor that her ears had been opened and she could hear clearly now.  She previously had a very hard time hearing with her hearing aids.  Then, a lady sitting next to me started speaking out loud in a prothetic tongue.  Our pastor interpreted her message.  He stated that God had a message for someone.  The message entailed that God had always been there for this person, even though they had walked away from Him,   God was ready to receive them again if they would turn back to Him.  During the time this lady was giving the message and the pastor was interpreting it, I was experiencing the most intense tingling feeling all over my body, from the tips of my hair folicles to the tips of my fingers, all the way down to the tips of my toes.  I never felt this intense electrifing tingling before and along with it, I had this immense absolute burning fire, all over my body.  I began to panic and I honestly felt as though I was going to pass out.  

From that day and for the next 2 days, I experienced that same intense tingling and burning every night (between 3am - 4am) while I was laying in bed.

I began to start seeing things with new eyes and hearing things with different ears.  I started seeing people through His love and began experiencing worship on a different level. 

I recall hearing this song "Healer" and becoming extremely emotional.  God revealed to me that He speaks His words through Christ inspired songs.

I realized that God actually speaks (as though reading the Bible) through Christ inspired songs such as this.  I began feeling the pain, absolute pain of people and then feeling Gods love for them.  He has all the answers for them and He can heal all the pains of this life.  God has been speaking to me very profoundly till this day revealing many things to me.  He revealed to me one night, in an instant download, the whole plan of why He sent Jesus and how He broke the curse that Satan had caused with Adam and Eve.  It was the most profound thing that had been done to me thus far because the way He did it was an absolute miracle, showing me a visual and explanation of everything.  Some of the things that were revealed were things that I have never heard before.  It was absolutely amazing.  

I have learned now that there is so much more to God's plan than just getting saved.  There is so much more Power, Love, and Grace He has for us than just getting saved.  I want people to know that Jesus died on the cross to save them and to allow them to experience the supernatural everlasting love and grace that God has for them.   Jesus gave His life and shed His blood so that we may have life in Him.  He took our curses and traded them for blessings.  He took our illnesses and diseases, and restored us to fullness in health in Him.  Everything was settled on the cross.  There are no words that can describe the love He has for US!  I want everyone to experience this incomprehensible Love and Grace of God, along with His message of Salvation.  

There is so much more to my story and life to really put it all here.  I will be writing a book at some point in time on God's amazing love for me personally and the love He has for others.

I have learned that even through all the bad paths I chose to take in life,  God was still there waiting for me to come back to Him.  He will do the same for You! 

He is waiting for you! 

You have not done anything in life that He will not forgive.  He will never withhold His grace and love from you!

Thank you for the time to share with you my brief story.

Thomas Russell
Christ For All People

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